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Individual Assignment Checklist

Deliverable description

Create your own CV/resumé based on the template at


  1. First opportunity: Friday 21 March 2025 before 23:59
  2. Retake opportunity: Friday 6 June 2025 before 23:59

Mode of delivery

  • Deliver the actual website by using GitHub pages (see details in Part 1 of the guide).
  • To provide the link to your website, fill in the form below and upload to Brightspace (see links at the bottom)..

Assessment criteria

Indicators for PASS Indicators for FAIL
Content adjustment All text, including the <title> tag, has been adapted to match the student’s personal resumé. Some of the text is still the original from the template (e.g. “Firstname Lastname”)
Style adjustment Student has modified at least one text colour, one background colour and one font. Fonts and colours are still the original ones, or students have tried adjusting but it didn’t work
At least one of these styles has been changed by creating a custom CSS class. Style changes have been made exclusively using other techniques (e.g. existing Bootstrap classes or inline style attributes).
File management Student’s portrait and icons for schools and/or employers are packaged alongside the resumé. Some of the images or other assets are not within the repository.
All files follow proper naming conventions (all lowercase, no spaces, no special characters) and are in appropriately named folders. Some files have spaces, uppercase or special characters or are not organized based on conventions described in the Production Guide.
Website publication The website is published via GitHub Pages via the student’s own GitHub account, and can be visited from any device. The website is not published on a public-facing page. Lecturers cannot access it for grading.
Quality control There are no visible errors: All images, links and fonts are properly working. Images are not properly showing or links are not leading to the intended destination, or the website is showing a default system font instead of a web font.
There are no coding errors: Using the W3C validator ( on the web page returns no errors (warnings are accepted). Using the W3C validator shows at least one error.

Form to fill in and print as PDF